Typically DoorDash customer service representative replies within an hour. DoorDash customer service could be contacted via DoorDash Facebook page.For Dasher support or Merchant support you need to dial 1-85.ĭoorDash Social Networks Customer Service.Live customer service representatives from DoorDash are available 24 hours a day seven days a week. DoorDash Customer Support Phone is 1-85.If you are not a Dasher but would like to become one press 4.If you are a restaurant owner platform or you’d like to become one press 1.To speak with a live agent, you need to press 1 (for English), then press 2 (if you are a customer) and stay on the line (typical waiting time is about 1-5 minutes).Īlternatively you can use the following other options available in the customer service phone menu:

If you need to speak to a live customer service representative in DoorDash customer service you need to dial 1-85.